Liturgical Ministries
Altar Flowers
Flowers for the altar are available to be donated by parishioners. Honorariums and memorials are published in the bulletin, along with the name of the donor.
Altar Servers
Young people in grades 4 and up assist the priest at liturgical celebrations. Training and parental permission is required. An altar server attends to supporting tasks at the altar such as fetching and carrying, ringing the altar bell, helping bring up the gifts, and bringing up the liturgical books, among other things. Training classes are held periodically throughout the year as the need arises.
Licensed Lay Readers/ Lay Ministers
Laypersons proclaim the readings during worship services. This ministry requires you to be a member in good standing with our church and be at least 16 years of age.
We have a training program for persons interested in becoming a Licensed Reader through our mission society.
Ministry of Hospitality and Ushers
Members of the Usher and Hospitality Ministry greet parishioners and guests, help with seating, provide assistance, distribute offertory baskets, pass out bulletins before and after Mass, and see that the church is tidied up after each celebration.
Acolytes (often along with Altar Servers) light the candles on the altar and also carry them in procession
These wonderful people of our church care for the Sanctuary, including sacred vessels, altar linens, and other items used in liturgical celebrations. Sacristans also assist with general cleaning and decorating.